The Support of Islam and Muslims group announced this evening, in an official statement issued by the azzalaqa Foundation, that it neutralized a number of Wagner mercenaries in two separate attacks. On Tuesday, September 6, 2022, the group blew up a car belonging to the group. After the explosion, the Malian army and Wagner’s Bunye and Doanza witnessed the scene of the event, the remains of white people, according to the statement, a reference to the Wagner mercenaries. As for the second attack, the group announced the neutralization of two Wagner mercenaries after detonating their motorcycle in the Gassi area near Pune on September 12th. The statement indicated that Wagner mercenaries And the Malian army executed 14 innocent black Tuareg in that region.

Praise be to God, the guardian of the righteous, and there is no enemy except for the oppressors, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his companions and those who are loyal to him. After that, your Mujahideen brothers continue their strikes against the Malian army and the criminal Wagner gang (on Tuesday, 10 Safar 1444 AH corresponding to 9/6 2022 AD)) a car belonging to the Malian army blew up, Rabin Boni and Dwanza On Sunday, Safar 16, 1444 AH, corresponding to 9/12/2022, the brothers witnessed the place of the event, the body parts of white people, and on Sunday, Safar 16, 1444 AH, corresponding to 9/12/2022, he rode a bicycle for Wagner mercenaries on a bomb planted by the Mujahideen, and two of the mercenaries perished in the village of Gase, near Boni, and thank God, and in the same place, this injury led to a massacre that killed four . Ten innocent people from the Black Tuareg tribe, and to God and to Him we shall return, and we say to these criminals from the Malian army and the Russian mercenaries, know that the blood of Muslims will not be in vain, God willing, and we will take revenge for them, God willing, and God is dominant over His command, but most people do not know, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.