United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) is today publishing its Quarterly Note on trends in violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law in Mali covering the period from April 1 to June 30, 2022.
During this period, MINUSMA recorded 467 cases of violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law (317 civilians killed, 73 kidnapped/disappeared and 77 injured). These data, documented, represent a decrease of 42 percent compared to the previous quarter (812 cases recorded, including 543 civilians killed, 107 kidnapped/disappeared and 107 injured).
The main perpetrators of violence against civilians have been groups such as the Support Group for Islam and Muslims (Jamāʿat nuṣrat al-islām wal-muslimīn – JNIM), Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (EIGS) and other similar groups which have been responsible for 297 serious human rights abuses. These groups have distinguished themselves by incessant attacks against civilians, the Malian defense and security forces (FDSM) as well as against MINUSMA which, in total, have left at least 200 dead, 44 injured and caused the displacement of thousands of civilians.
Acts of violence perpetrated by militias and other community vigilantes doubled, from 15 in the previous quarter to 34 in the period under review. The majority of the victims of these groups were identified mainly in the Circles of Bandiagara, Bankass, Djenné, Mopti and Niono.
With regard to the signatory groups of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, MINUSMA documented 14 human rights violations attributable to them, an increase of 16 percent compared to the previous quarter.
Human rights violations attributable to FDSM, meanwhile, have decreased by 62 percent, from 320 between January and March 2022 to 122 during the period covered by this Note.
A geographical analysis indicates that the main acts of violence against civilians and their property were committed in the regions of Bandiagara (158 violations and abuses), Douentza (81 violations and abuses), Mopti (80 violations and abuses), Ségou (53 violations and violations), Ménaka (39 violations and violations), and Gao (32 violations and violations).
More generally, the security situation remained worrying during the period under review. The center of the country has been the scene of multiple attacks by extremist groups against civilians, including reprisals against populations accused of “collaboration” with the state and/or denouncing local “peace agreements”, as well as than against the FDSM. Inter-community tensions have contributed to the aggravation of the situation. In the northern regions, the situation was mainly marked by a considerable deterioration in security conditions in the area of the three borders of the Liptako-Gourma region between Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, and the continuation of armed clashes between EIGS and MSA-D/GATIA. Civilians are paying a heavy price for the abuses that continue to be perpetrated by extremist groups.
During the above-mentioned period, MINUSMA continued to actively support the efforts of the Government of Mali aimed at ensuring better respect for human rights and international humanitarian law and a more effective fight against impunity. To this end, a number of awareness and training sessions have been organised. MINUSMA welcomes the efforts deployed by the Government of Mali and expresses its commitment to work towards the continued strengthening of the existing partnership.