“The Malian army, in cooperation with Wagner mercenaries, carried out arrests and executions of people, in addition to strict search operations in the localities of Goundam, Tin djitane, Lerneb and Salam in the Timbuktu region. At the same time, arrests were made in Kidal of unarmed civilians.
According to local sources, a joint patrol of the Malian army and the Wagner army set off from the city of Timbuktu towards Goundam. They conducted comprehensive searches in Tin dJitane Village before heading to Gundam. Similar activities included searching and interrogating civilians and arresting two innocent people.
Other local sources confirmed the arrest of four young Arab men early in the morning at the entrance to Timbuktu. These brutal operations exceeded the limits of justice and human rights.
At the same time, a Malian army patrol was launched from the Liri region towards Lernib. They arrested two civilians and executed two others, Arabs and Tuareg.
In the Nibkil-Elhilk area, another Malian army patrol arrested three civilians, two black Tuareg, and one Arab.
In addition, reports indicate that two young men were arrested in the evening in Kidal by the Malian army and Wagner. Ousmane Ag alkhmais and Ahmed Ag Bidin, known as Isouf, were arrested at a pharmacy in Bidin, Kidal, this evening.
The Malian army and Wagner mercenaries have executed more than 400 civilians in Azawad regions since August 2023. Criminality operations have particularly targeted Tuareg, Arab and Fulani communities.