.The Supporting Islam and Muslims group (JNIM) announced in an official statement issued by the “azzalaqa Foundation for Media Production” that it had carried out two attacks against the Malian army and MINUSMA in the state of Timbuktu, and it was The first attack against a Malian army camp in the village of “Achrane” (on the road linking the cities of “Timbuktu” and “Gondam”) on Monday, August 29, 2022 AD. As for the second attack, it was carried out against the camp of the forces of the United Nations mission “MUNISMA” in the city of Bir, in the state of Timbuktu, on Friday, September 2, 2022 AD.
By God’s grace and strength, the Mujahideen of “Jama’a Supporting Islam and the Muslims” were able to target two camps of the Malian army and the forces of the United Nations Mission
The United Nations “MUNISMA” in the Wilayat of Timbuktu, through artillery shelling, in:
1- The Malian army camp in the village of “Echren” (on the road linking the cities of “Timbuktu” and “Gondam”) on Monday, 2 Safar 1444 AH corresponding to August 29, 2022 AD. 2- The camp of the forces of the United Nations Mission “MUNISMA” in the city of Ber, in the state of Timbuktu, on Friday, 6 Safar 1444 AH corresponding to September 2, 2022 AD
Also, after this shelling, heavy gunfire targeted a helicopter belonging to the mission in the same camp.
These attacks, by the grace of God and from Him, caused human and material losses in the enemy ranks, and the Mujahideen sided with the grace of God safe and sound. “Glory be to God, His Prophet and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”