On 06/09/2022, a position of the Movement for the Salvation of Azawad (MSA), a member of the Platform, was the target of an attack by several hundred fighters affiliated with Daesh east of the locality of Talataye (Circle of Ansongo, Gao region).
Following the clashes, constrained by superior enemy fire, the Platform fighters were pushed out of the village by the attackers.
The EIGS fighters then attacked the civilian population.
The toll of this barbarism is about thirty civilians and 3 Platform fighters killed in action, including an officer.
The terrorists also looted and then ransacked the shops of traders. They burned all the food they couldn’t take before leaving the village.
Reinforcements dispatched by the platform arrived in town where they discovered the massacre as well as hundreds of women and children wandering in town without food for two days.
Platform fighters provided food assistance to these women and children.
The Platform of the Movements of June 14, 2014 of Algiers presents its saddened condolences to the bereaved families and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.
The Platform unreservedly condemns these repetitive attacks against civilians for several years by a lawless mafia.
The Platform calls on the Malian Armed Forces, MINUSMA and the signatory movements to assume their responsibilities for the protection of civilian populations.
Finally, the Platform launches a cry from the heart to draw the attention of national authorities, local and international NGOs as well as all goodwill to the extremely serious humanitarian situation in the town where hundreds of civilians are in a dramatic situation.
Gao, September 09, 2022
For the Platform
The Communication Cell